Hi, my name is Megan Dulion, I typically go by Meg because it easier to go by and I am only really Megan when I get in trouble. I am currently 18 years old and a second semester freshman at Edinboro University, I am in the Dr. Robert C. Weber Honors Program. I graduated from Indiana Senior High, which is near IUP. The only way you could any one knows where Indiana, Pa is if you say IUP. Otherwise people assume right away I am from Indiana the state! I have 3 younger siblings, one who is a Dr. Who/Glee Fan, one who is a die hard Justin Beiber fan (Gah even writing his name is painful!), and a mine craft geek. Then there is my mom, who is honestly my best friend because we are so similar! Then there are my two cats, Isabella and Meredith, Isabella has alien eyes and Meredith is a complete cuddle bug and a cry baby, she sleeps with me when I am at home, but when I am not there she cries all night. I am originally from Georgia and I have no taste for the snow here! I am a warm weather girl and I plan one day to teach in North Carolina near Outer Banks. In my spare time, I can often be found reading all different genres of books, babysitting, painting, drawing, photography, or doing an arts and crafts projects. I view my self as a very well-rounded type of person, who loves to expand her knowledge, I want to travel the world to get an even better understanding of the world and the people that are in it. My goal in life is to experience as much as I can and to make an impact on people's lives.
Here at Edinboro, I am studying Early Childhood and Special Education. Ever since I was little, I have always wanted to be a teacher. During my high school career, I had the opportunity to teach a preschool class twice a week for three years and I absolutely loved it. Everything from learning how to teach the different subjects to sitting down and reading with the kids to helping them learn about the different holidays is what I loved doing. That experience solidified what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, I want to teach and help kids expand their knowledge. Once I obtain my undergraduate in Early Childhood and Special Education I want to earn a Master's in Reading/Reading Specialist. I have a love for reading and I loved helping the kids in the preschool I taught in learn how to read and write. I want to be able to have more knowledge and learn how to help the grade levels I will be teaching to grow more and be better students right from the start.
I personally feel that technology can help anyone learn. When I was in high school, the Promethean boards were just introduced at my school. They were helpful for math classes because if you missed a day the notes were right there online for easy access with the teachers notes on them and problems with the homework so you could stay up with the work and not get behind. It was also easier because if the notes were typed it was easier to read since handwriting on boards can often get messy! I also like learning through technology if used in the classroom, it is easier to get interperations and incorporations, such as visuals and videos that help make a stronger connect so that I can better understand. When teaching, I feel that technology can be beneficial if used correctly, such as to have the kids participate in math problems or other problems, so that they can gain a better understanding. It would be from simply showing them how to carry over in addition to showing them how to find x in an equation. It also helps for the teacher to get a better understanding of where students are messing up and where they need help. Technology also has its benefits in the fact that is allows students to be more involved since they could have an interactive board that has clickers for the students for them to answer questions. Technology in class room allows students, who are visual learners to get what they need to help them learn better, and those students who learn by hearing can get the same effect. The lessons could also be loaded online to help those students that missed to stay caught up and for the parents of younger children to be able to help them at home with assignments. With the communication technology today, it also allows emails to be sent very quickly and for the teacher to respond quickly so that if there is a question, it can be answered right away. The internet is a great resource for many teachers to find ideas for their classroom from door decorations for the holidays to lesson plans to decorating bulletin board ideas. A website known as Pinterest has allowed teachers and parents alike, to get ideas on how to teach certain books or adjust material to better fit a student. Although, when used excessively or abused, technology can have downfalls. Say a student is to turn in a paper via email and the teacher doesn't get it but the student sent it or the teacher sents out an email of a change of date for a project to move it up earlier and the email never sent, there is a miscommunication which can cause mishaps. Technology should be used to assist in the learning process, but it should not become solely relied on because it does have it's faults.
My personal beliefs about teaching is that a teacher should try their hardest to help students learn and comphrend all the material that they are taught, even if it requires the teacher to stay well past the end of classes. I honestly believe that teachers are there to help you succeed and that when I, myself am a teacher I will support the students and help them in everything they need whether it be from learning how to write or learning new vocabulary so that they can understand a book they are reading for pleasure. I will do everything in my power to help the kids, succeed. It will never be pleasurable to see a student fail, I would help them out and if I personally couldn't help them I would find someone who could so that they will succeed. Personally, I am going to try to make my classroom, safe and enjoyable place that students want to come to, someplace they are welcome to, I want them to be ready to learn and want to learn. I want to be like the teachers in Won't Back Down, who took a failed school system and turned it into something better to help the kids so that they get a better education. Those are my personal beliefs and goals as a future teacher, I want to help the students succeed no matter what it takes and I want them to feel safe in the environment that they are learning in.